In this video, Terry and Ash take us for a tour and show us what they and Graham (Ash’s Dad) are working on for the interior of Chateau De Lalacelle (and specifically the 400 suite!)

Observing Terry’s work at Chateau De Lalacelle, he is making significant progress on the renovations inside the 400 suite. He has hung a set of temporary curtains and fitted a panel within the hallway around a window. There’s still a panel needed for the window in the salon where Rob is diligently sanding everything down. They had some initial panels, but they were damaged due to rot from when the windows were in bad condition. Terry is hopeful they will be able to put everything together though it expected to be a somewhat tougher challenge compared to the hallway which was a single-panel window. However, if successful, the salon will be a step closer to completion.

Once the curtains are attached, it will give them an idea of the room’s eventual aesthetic. Seeing the room slowly take shape is very satisfying for Terry, as the renovations were a result of numerous surveys and replacements of the windows. Now, the unfinished state of the rooms without their panels is becoming less common. Terry is excited for what’s to come, though he acknowledges the unevenness of the salon’s window to be a grueling task to overcome. He still held a high level of optimism as he and his partner Graham proceed with their work.

Terry plans to reinforce the hallway’s ceiling and complete the rest of the room with plaster coatings before he sands it down and applies a niche quarter paint. Rob will continue to sand and fill the salon’s panel for a pristine look while Terry takes care of the curtains.

The excitement continues to rise as the progress made was evident room after room. The 400 suite, complete with paneled walls, is near completion – all that’s left is the bathroom. They have received the shower tray and screen, which means they can proceed with finishing the bathroom. Terry highlights the amount of precision and time required to get the job done due to the lack of square and flush walls, resulting in recuts and adjustments.

Terry and Ash were pleased with having the panels for all of the windows in place and looked forward to removing the scaffolding and proceeding with the renovation’s other side. He also hinted at plans to clean up the chateau’s exterior, replace old windows, and get rid of the moss on the roof. It was clear from their tone that while they were proud of their accomplishments, a lot more needed to be done before the chateau could truly regain its former glory.

Check out this video about Restoring Chateau De Lalacelle’s Parquet Flooring in the 400 suite