Ash: We’re out on the front of Chateau De Lalacelle. It’s looking absolutely beautiful with all the flowers popping up everywhere in the bushes.

Got fourteen ton of gravel about to arrive, and Terry’s decided we’re just gonna put a new post box in, aren’t we, Terry?



Terry from Chateau de Lalacelle discusses the work they are doing outside on the property. After receiving a delivery of extra gravel and sand, the team plans to complete the entrance by installing gates and fixing the stonework. The driveway area will use a mix of different sized stones and dust bits that compact into a solid road, leading up to the gravel area through the new gates.

The crew is also working on finishing a wall, where only the ‘captain’ stones need placement before completion. Meanwhile, other works in progress include stone laying on an outdoor portion of the land that currently has a mat. Inside the chateau, the team is busy with various tasks like setting up paneling for suites, preparing the cement mixer, and arranging curtains for the cottage.

In the next stage of their project, they plan to repurpose cobblestones found near the chateau to create a barrier between the grassy and gravel areas of the drive. This involves digging a trench and manually placing each stone. Terry anticipates that they may need another 14 tons of gravel to complete this part of the drive.